Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Days...

Ahh... the text message that made my day. School is closed today. I was happy to have school yesterday because I had a KTIP observation, but today, I had no real objection to missing; in fact a three day weekend sounded rather nice.
And so, I slept in, made some icing for the lemon-cranberry cupcakes I had made yesterday, and set-up dinner (south western pulled brisket) in the crock pot. All of this cooking and baking made me realize how much I really love to make food. I don't even have to eat it, but I love to create it. I love the process and seeing a final product that others can enjoy. I think I need to be a home-ec. teacher or a culinary school instructor! I could also open a bakery; this would have to be later in life, but I can certainly think about it now. If I could do that, here is what my bakery would look like:

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